

Resolutions defines 'resolution' as the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute. That's all fine and dandy and with the new year rapidly approaching (thank god) everyone is all "what's your resolution". Just today, Tall Skinny Kid was asking all of us what our resolutions are. Some were the usual, short lived, ultimately epic fail resolutions like "eat better" or "get healthy" or "go to the gym". Other's like that of Tall Skinny Kid were to eat less take out and actually utilize the kitchen in his home to cook him some meals. And I got to thinking.... Resolutions or Real-solutions... This year, I'm making a resolution that I'm already on my way to keeping (at least through the start of 2012... and by the start, I mean through Jan 1). This year, I'm going to get organized... no really. i'm going to take before and after pictures (which i'm already slacking on becuase i organized the bedroom a little bit and didn't take any pictures). I'm sure i can just take it apart and put it back the way it was and then back the way it is now but... okay anyway...

my resolution is to get organized. through my new addiction to Pinterest and the endless links to some of the most fabulous blogs ever, i have found tons of DIY projects and organizational tips and tricks to get me started. one of my newest favorite is one i stole from my aunt... we have an INCREDIBLY small bathroom. (i'm not complaining, at least we have a bathroom and it's kind of become a claim to fame.. "wow, your bathroom is really small") it is pretty tiny... so we are using simple solutions to try to fix it up... such as a shoe caddy... you know, the things you hang from the door to stick shoes in but that have shoe spots so small that boyfriends' size 13's don't fit in them? yeah one of those... turns out, it doubles as a holder for all things big and small... so we are going to add one to the back of the door to store things like the hair dryer, the lotion, extra toothbrushes... you know, that kind of thing... i'm so excited to get started reorganizing! i added one to the backside of the closet door in the bedroom too... it's perfect because it holds all my hair products that i don't use on a daily basis but might want, lotions, and medicines that i like to keep handy.

the other night, i took to organizing my pots and pans and tupperware. i went through all of it, weeding out anything that didn't have a bottom to go with a cover or a cover with a bottom. and i moved a lot of other stuff from the "pots and pans" cabinet so i have more room for my new stainless steel set that my mom got me for christmas.

so the year of organization is already in full swing... i have a laundry list of things to target, but it gives me something to look forward to, other than turning 30 in 2012... (and unlike Tall Skinny Kid, i'm not looking forward to the big 3-Oh)

my other real-solution is a little on the rediculous side. i'm going to accomplish this task thanks to my new bff Netflix. let me back up... i have an addiction to Law and Order- SVU. if it's on, I watch it, even if i've seen the episoe a bazillion times before (let's be honest, i have seen a lot of them a number of times). but there are 13 seasons and although i've seen a lot of the episodes, it has never been a show that i "follow". so this year, i'm going to watch all the episodes of SVU from Seasons 1-13, in order. This includes the ones i've already seen. So far, i'm through season 1 and onto the first few of season 2. it's a dark undertaking, but its something i know i can get through. how's that for a resolution!

what is your 2012 real-solution??

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