

It's All About Attitude

So today is technically day 2 of my journey to SoCal (although if you are reading this, its well past day 2). Today my bestie had some work things to attend to so we headed down to Beverly Hills so she could head to her work thing and so I had somewhere to explore. I spent the better part of an hour in a cozy seat outside the coffee bean (they dot the streets like dunkin donuts in MA). I brought my kindle as any well prepared, "dining alone" individual would come well prepared with, and I sat and read/sipped my mocha latte/people watched and thus began the basis of this post.

Beverly Hills, while certainly a life style in and of itself, is an attitude. It's glitzy and glamorous, yes; and the stores exude this "please don't walk in here without the triple platinum card" but it's all about how you walk around. And, people who live here don't care. Which makes it that much easier to exude confidence in a place where it is easy to have none.

The thing about beverly hills, and about LA in general is how nice people are. I'm not going to lie, it was the absolute last thing I expected. In a place teeming with movie stars and celebs, no one has to be nice. But they are. Even when you are cutting them off in traffic. And trust me when I say that they make Massachusetts drivers look like saints.

The craziest thing about the LA attitude is that no matter who you are, what you wear, what your job, LA changes your attitude....

About everything.

*post LA note: when someone says "la will change you" just believe them. they aren't big things, they are tiny little things that are unrecognizable to the naked eye but none the less, they are changes and if you're lucky, they are not only positive changes but things that you will carry with you for the rest of your life....

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