

i think men are from another planet

no seriously. i know they say "men are from mars..." blah blah blah but why is it that men are SO incredibly different from women. on all levels? i get the physical stuff, i'm not an idiot. and i can almost 100% understand the emotional stuff. but i can NOT for the life of me, understand the rest of it. and i'm not even sure what the "rest of it" would be called but... it's that shit that says "i can't fold the laundry. i'm watching tv" as if you need more than your eyes and ears to watch tv. or "i can't do the dishes, i did the laundry" well where i come from, you typically put a load of laundry INTO the washer, start the dishes, change the laundry over, put away the dishes (that have now dried), take the laundry out of the dryer, switch the wet load over to the dryer and fold the now dry and clean load, ALL WHILE WATCHING TV.

i think the kicker was the letting the dog out one that occured last night... see tomorrow (wednesday) my dog is going to be neutered. (which i'm not aloud to speak of in his presence becaue the man in my house thinks that the dog will be mad- which i'm sure he will be but he'll get over it). so i mentioned the other night how after his surgery, we will need to watch him to make sure he isn't picking at stiches (or trying to rip the cone off his head). so i said that when he goes out after the surgery, we should put him on his leash, take him to the end of the driveway and let him do his business. just so we can watch him and he isn't going crazy or anything. yes, i am an overprotective mother. i'm okay with that. anyway. so yesterday i got up about 9 and took the dog for a walk. it was only about .5 mile but it tires him out and lets him piss on every tree in a .5 mile radius (oh and every telephone pole, mailbox pole etc. etc. etc.) i left for work at noon and the other male in my house got home around 5:30. i got out of work at 8 so i get home last night (about 8:30) and cook dinner. after dinner (around 9:30-10:00) i notice the dog keeps sniffing around one of the spare rooms (the "man room") which is weird because he usually either sleeps on the bed or sits with us on the couch/in the living room. so after a little bit of the sniffing i ask "did you let him out when you got home" to which i recieved this response...

him: "no. you said we had to take him out on the leash and watch him"
me: "no, i said that after he has his surgery, we have to watch him"
him: "oh well, no. i didn't let him out"
me (obviously): "i hope he shit on your clothes" (hey, if i can't teach him a lesson, maybe the dog shitting on his clothes would)
him: "well go let him out"
me: "really. you didn't let him out at all?" (although not sure where the disbelief came from- i shouldn't be that surprised)

so i let the poor dog out and he did his business and (unfortunately for me and my lesson teaching) didn't drop anything in the house (good boy)

after this bullshit conversations, i learned that "i (he) shouldn't have to go bring the dog for his surgery becuase i have to pick him up and it's my day off"
Um... it's your day off which is exactly why you should bring and pick him up. that's what a day off is for- to do the things you can't do when you are working!

i left a nice note this morning about all the things i need done before i get home from work. they include changing over a load of laundry, folding a basket of laundry and walking the dog.
"fold the laundry. you can do this while you watch sports. if you miss something, it will probably be on again in an hour. you have unlimited access to the bathroom- so should the dog. walk him". and other such things.

tuesday is also his night to make dinner... it's not the dinner that doens't get done, it's the dishes... which is a whole different entry....

WHY are they so different!? and what can we do to stop it!? i know you can't "change a man" but... there has to at least be an edit button for some aspects right?


Erin said...

In his defense I don't think you need a penis to be inconsiderate, narrow minded, or lazy. I have done a number of those same exact things! I do think that my desire to have a fair relationship helps me to see beyond myself and help out as much as possible. I still walk by the same basket of laundry without, literally, seeing it...but I'm working on noticing things more!

Kate said...

yeah i mean, i understand that... but when it becomes the condition rather than the exception... and the dog thing.. really? lol...

Anonymous said...

the dog thing is pretty lame. i can match it though the cat has been peeing on the carpet in the living room. she is a brat and wont pee in the litter box if it doesn't meet her i am always the one cleaning it. the other day, i notice its getting full, so i say, please empty the litter box before you leave for work (he needed to leave at 11). I get home, not emptied. So today, in the cleaning spree, he says, the litter box is full, we should empty it so she doesn't pee on the carpet. REALLY!!??!?!?!?!?