

turns out... you really CAN deep fry anything... (adventures of the big e)

so last friday night, p. and i took a trip to the big e. it was the first time we have ever been together although not the first time either of us have been. being from western mass, i've been only about 25 times which is roughly once a year since birth... give or take... we went in the rain which was both a blessing and a curse. it was nice because there was hardly anyone there but it was gross because my left foot found it's way to a puddle and i spent the rest of the night with a wet foot... but anyway... we did the usual... state buildings. played some games. blah blah blah. the only exciting purchase of the night was 3 sets of 'sham-wows'.

so tonight. i went back to the big e, this time with two of my good friends and two of the cutest 6 year olds ever. it's a totally different experience to be at the big e with a kid, let alone 2 kids. turns out, i morph into "mom mode" under such conditions. hand holding (which is not out of the normal), counting kids (even if there were only 2 of them)... but in addition to that going to the big e with kids means you get to act like a kid. roller coasters. games. the giant yellow slide. and of course, cotton candy. which by the way, they make in the maple sugar variety and i'm fairly certain i told the woman in the New Hampshire building that it was the only reason i went back to the big e. the corn on the cob (NH) was a little overrated, but nicole did get a killer potato (sorry, maine. you got NOTHING on the ones outside the CT building)... and of course, there was the hitting up of Millie's for some polish food. (best ever).

i think the real highlight of a fair like the big e is the fried food... and not necessarily because it tastes very good because let's be honest, some of it is just bad news. but it's a highlight because well, you really can deep fry anything. and they are deep frying things you should NEVER even consider deep frying. vegetables- okay those are one thing... unfortunately, they are made in such huge batches that they aren't really as good as they could be... and while we were really looking forward to the fried pickles, there's something about the pickle chips that makes it a little more tasty than the spear (take note oh friers of the vegetable... ) the real star of the big e is the fried oreo... honestly. i mean, i thought it sounded pretty gross but lucky for us, one of the cutest 6 year olds had an in at the oreo booth and hooked us up with some freebies... wow... whoever decided to fry the oreo- good going on that one...

the moral of this story? the big e is a great place for a date night... it's fun, you can people watch and win corny prizes for each other... it's a memory builder. the big e is awesome with kids like the ones i went with tonight because they were well behaved, enjoyed everything we did, and didn't even complain about the shopping (neither did b. very proud of him for that)...

but more than anything... the moral here is this...

just because it's a food, doesn't mean it should be covered in batter and dropped in a frier... stick with stuff that makes sense... because "fried kool-aid" (coincidentally just fried dough made with kool-aid) is a rip off and if you ask me, false advertising (no we did not try it, just asked) and fried butter is just a disgusting excuse to get people to say "hey, i wonder what that tastes like"... newsflash people... grab a stick of butter out of the fridge and a french fry... eat them at the same time... you have yourself "fried" butter... better luck next year oh friers of the food... stick to things that make sense, like oreos and fries...

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