

The Year in Review [Part 1]

In 1999, The Story of Us came out, i'm not sure if to theaters but definately to dvd. my bestie and i have watched it many a time and i have to say, it's one of my top picks. there are some things that don't work in the movie, fine, but i just think it's a really true, almost scary true, account of what can happen. but i'm getting away from the point. there is a point in the movie where they are all sitting at the dinner table and talking about their highs and lows of their day. it got me to thinking on my way to work this morning about the high's and lows of 2011. Twelve months is a long time to pick one high and low, or even a few... so i'm going to try to pick a high and a low for each month of the past year...

the year in review- part 1

January 2011
High: a lot of snow.
Low: a lot of snow.
How can this be both you ask? well, the intense pounding of snow we got was enough to close down virtually everything, including work. a few of those days, even boyfriend got to stay home which RARELY happens becuase for some reason, his place of employment NEVER loses power... so we got to stay home and snuggle and play with puppy. and it's a low because... after 3 straight weeks with at least one snow storm per week- i was sick of cleaning the shit up.

this fence comes up to boyfriends waist
he's 6'3
February 2011
High: my new iphone & mary poppins
Low: even more god damn snow
I waited and waited and waited for the iphone 4 to come out and was due for an upgrade for over a year... and february granted me my new, and now favorite, phone. and i got to go to boston to see Mary Poppins (one of my favorites) with my mom and sister. the first week of february, we got two straight days of snow. and a lot of it. we had nowhere to put it. the roads were small. it was hard to drive, even down a main street and walking the dog was basically impossible...

March 2011
High: my cousin visiting
Low: not seeing boyfriend on his birthday
In march, my sister had planned to go dress shopping for her wedding.. i suprirsed her by having my cousin (who was in the wedding) fly out to try on dresses with us. it ended up being a really fun few days and a welcomed few days off. my March low will continue to be a low for every March that boyfriend has to ref. each March, his dad runs a basketball tournament and it falls on boyfriends birthday weekend... he spends the entire weekend running up and down the court which means i don't see him. it sucks. but it is what it is...

April 2011
High: Red Sox v. Yankees @ Fenway
Low: boyfriend umping... every weekend...
Lucky us, we scored some last minute tickets to the sox v. the yanks at fenway. boyfriend and i are huge sox fans. plus, the seats were pretty awesome. boyfriend had to ump for his dad's baseball league pretty much every weekend in april... made for some pretty dull and boring weekends...

May 2011
High: nothing really qualifies...
Low: boyfriend's grandfather passing away
i should have known that things were going downhill for 2011 when we found out grandpa died... the week following was filled with traveling and family and celebrating the life of a great man but in general, may sucked.

June 2011
High: NKOTBSB/First wedding of 2011
Low: Tornado
So june started off sucking and it's pretty much been downhill from there... on June 1st, we were hit with a tornado that pretty much tore apart the town and everything in it... my dad's work was closed for almost 4 months... we went without power for a while. even as i'm typing this, construction continues. it sucked. but on a high note, we got to go to a great wedding in NY with boyfriends family. we had a pretty good time and the place was amazing. great band. great drinks. great time dancing. and... i got to go see New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys. now i know, to some of you, that's not all that exciting but to me... it's pretty much my childhood dream come true. it was planned as a bachelorette party for one of my best college friends and it was a blast. we went out to a great dinner at this tiny hole in the wall place and then to the concert...

so that's the first 6 months of 2011 in a nutshell... the highs and lows of it all... it's a lot to take in, and to even remember but i have to be honest, because i write pretty much EVERYTHING down in my (full size) planner that my besties like to make fun of, i get to go back and relive the good, the bad and the ugly...

the next 6 months to be continued....

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