

one bag too many...

i have come to the unfortunate realization that i have too many bags. wait. before you get all crazy and start in on the but you can never have too many bags rant, hear me out.... i'm not talking purses, although for someone who doesn't really carry around too much, i have stockpiled a few too many of those as well. but i'm talking bags. like, backpacks. and gym type bags. and reusable bags that are just a tad too big to be reused and that i probably got because someone didn't want to wrap a present and the bag was cute. and ikea bags. you know, the ones you just have to have to carry out all the little things you didn't really need but just couldn't pass up? so you buy the bag to carry the crap to the car, swearing that you'll use it the next time you hike the 2 hours down to ikea and you never bring the bag and buy a new one? yeah. those kid of bags. i have a plethora of reusable bags suitable for shopping, many which are insulated thanks to the occasional special delivery from a man who i like to refer to as my work grandfather (although i'm not sure if that would offend him or if he would like it but none the less...) he brings us insulated bags and other fun treats and somehow, the insulated bags keep walking off, usually with my mother (in the off change that you read this mother, i love you). but today, as i was getting ready to leave the house to go shower b/c my ceiling was being painted and i had yet to drag my ass into the shower, i walked out onto the porch type addition to our house and realized, i have about 200 too many bags. and yet, i never seem to be able to find a bag, or the right bag, when i need it.

i also tend to leave things in bags. i have a habit (perhaps a bad one) of swapping bags like some people change their old navy flip flops. one day it's a big blue bag that is literally a bottomless pit for all things small. the next it's a bag my mom snagged me that held some free formula samples but holds SO much crap, it's amazing (i took it to a redsox game once and stashed 2 sweatshirts and a blanket. it's small but wonderful). or the ever popular vera bradley of which i have a few. or a pocketbook, although usually i don't last with those. until my most recent purchase (okay, my mom's purchase for me):

it was on sale... and it's purple... and i'm slightly obsessed with it. i got it back in october and i'm fairly certain that it's the first time i have had a bag and used it for a lengthy period of time. it fits my planner(s) and everything else i need... and did i mention it's purple? i think if i could make everything in my life purple i would... oh wait...

but seriously. other than this bag, most of the bags i have are unnecessary, at least right now. i just bought myself a new vera bag, duffle style, and have yet to throw out the old one. i bought the new one specifically to replace the old as the old has done it's duty... i've had it for probably 10 years at this point. so i have too many bags. it might be my addiction... i don't necessarily fill them, or use them, or even know that i have some of them, but for some reason, i can't seem to stop collecting them...

all these bags have solidified my need/want to start seriously organizing my house instead of just talking about it... i think i'm going to offically name 2012 as the Year of the Organization... more on that later...

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